Victoria Almeida
Representative Karen Alzate
Representative Jacquelyn Baginski
RI Democratic Party Treasurer Liz Beretta-Perik
UNAP President Lynn Blais
Cranston Democratic Committee Chair Maria Bucci
Narragansett Councilmember Susan Cicilline Buonanno
Representative Justine Caldwell
Representative Julie A. Casimiro
Charlestown Democratic Committee Chair Catherine Collette
East Greenwich Councilmember Caryn Corenthal
Representative Grace Diaz
East Greenwich Councilmember Renu Englehart
Senator Hanna Gallo
Cranston Councilmember Aniece Germain
Senator Maryellen Goodwin
Laborers Local 808 Karen Hazard
UniteHere Local 26 Vice President Nancy Iadeluca
Representative Katherine Kazarian
Barrington Democratic Committee Chair Pam Lauria
UNAP Local 5019 President Cindy Lussier
Suzanne Magaziner
Maureen Martin
Jennifer McDowell
Julia McDowell
Honorable Paula McFarland
Glocester Democratic Committee Chair Linda Nichols
Senator Ana Quezada
Providence Council Majority Leader Jo-Ann Ryan
Representative Patricia Serpa
Anne Sliney
East Greenwich Democratic Cmte. Chair Christa Thompson
Senator Bridget Valverde
Representative Anastasia P. Williams
West Warwick Councilmember Maribeth Williamson
Warwick Democratic Committee Chair Kim Wineman

Wednesday, April 27, 2022
6:00PM to 8:00PM

2099 Post Road | Warwick, Rhode Island

To RSVP or join the Host Committee,
please contact Anne Sliney
at (401) 793-6315 or [email protected]